English lesson 155 grade 5

Writing Assignment: Write a 3-paragraph essay on the following topic: What is something that you would like to learn how to do?

One thing I would like to learn how to do is learn to crochet.

I always thought crocheting looked cool, and my mom was always fond of it too but never learned either. You can also make super cute things out of crochet. Crocheting is also a cool talent to have under your belt.

My mom always liked creating things and so did I. I could also sell the things I make if I make them good enough.

You can make so many things out of crochet, even plushies!

I’ve wanted to learn different things over the years btu some of those things would be really hard to learn, on the other hand crocheting wouldn’t be as hard to learn.

What are things you would like to learn?

Thanks for reading!


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